Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Bathroom waterproofing and mental agony

Some common problems faced by a homeowner are dampness, seepage's, leakages and the resulting damages due to inadequate waterproofing design. 

Very often, there are immense difficulties in finding the source of leakages and seepages which leads to unsuccessful remedial waterproofing measures, mental agonies and finally, financial losses. 

The bathroom water leakage is mostly a common difficulty in housing societies that causes disputes, (waterproofing disputes) between flat owners, for sharing the cost of remedial treatment. Even where the finance is not a constraint for high-end income groups, the mental agony is too much. 

There is hardly any building/ bungalow/tower/villa that does not face problems occurring due to leakages, seepages and dampness. The problem compounds in flats having false ceiling as mostly seen in buildings with interior decoration where the approach for diagnosis and investigation become difficult.

We hope this post from Decor & Design - Waterproofing Contractors will bring out the importance of planning and designing effective waterproofing system and shed light on the preventive measures to be taken during the installation of bathroom, toilets and their waterproofing system.

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